Date: October 5th, 2024

Venue: DVG Club - Weggevoerdenlaan 5, 8500 Kortrijk

Doors: 14u

First band: 14u30

14u30 - 15u10: Midnightmares
15u30 - 16u10: ThrAnK
16u30 - 17u10: La Nausée
17u30 - 18u10: High Inquisitor Woe
18u30 - 19u10: Deafcon
19u30 - 20u10: Van Camp
20u30 - 21u10: Eleven O Seven
21u30 - 22u10: Fragmentum
22u30 - 23u10: FleXanT
23u30 - 00u10: Catharsis
00u10: Afterparty


Pre sale €18

At the register €22


Order your tickets by simply using the section below.

Payment can be done by banktransfer or PayPal.

Once the payment has been received, you will receive your comfirmation by e-mail.